Giving requires trust. God entrusts into our care money management; we in turn have to trust God with our money priorities; and then, we have to trust the church in their money distribution.

God says we can keep most of His money and spend it the way we think best, guided by the new heart He has given us. He wants us to grow in our understanding of giving; moving from giving consistently, to giving a tenth, to giving freely over and beyond the tenth of our income. Jesus said it this way, Freely you have received, freely give. (Matthew 10:8) The church then becomes the best vehicle to release those resources to make maximum kingdom impact.

Giving back financially ultimately helps us lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

Ways to Give

Online Giving: Give easily and securely using your checking account or debit card. 

Setting up a recurring gift is free to you and offers these features

•Setup a recurring gift using your debit card or checking account

•Edit your recurring gift at anytime

•View your giving record at anytime


Cash and Checks: Cash and checks are an easy way to donate and can be given during services on Sundays or mailed to the church: 

Journey Church, PO Box 94, Moses Lake, WA 98837